RSDirectory! is RSJoomla!'s solution for building a directory management system. With it, you can create and manage an unlimited number of categories and entries, set up custom entry addition forms for each category, define advanced filters and implement payments. RSDirectory! is developed by RSJoomla! - a dedicated & famous developer, it's priced at $$49.99 for latest version, you can download RSDirectory! on freejoomlapro without nulled JoomRecipe cracked anymore.
- Create either a paid or free directory
- Differentiate between free & paid ads
- Create dependencies (eg. Car maker > Model);
- Assign forms to categories - forms can be reused on multiple categories;
- Assign fields to forms - fields can also be reused in multiple forms, allowing for a powerful filtering & search tool;
- Map radius search functionality (both through a menu item and a module)
- Migrate from SobiPro
- Import data from CSV files
- Easily migrate your data through the backup/restore feature