Floating Module CK is a very convenient joomla extension. Use Floating Module CK to choose any of your modules to make it float in the page. Just activate it in the module options and you can choose between multiple settings like float always or float on scroll, background color, distance with the page ...
- One click activation
- Apply to any module
- Responsive behavior
- Multiple float method : always float, or float only when the top of the screen touch the module
- Options for distance with the screen
- Float multiple modules in the same page
Compatible Joomla 4
Floating Module CK is developed by joomlack & priced at 150 EUR to download all their extensions. But you will feel that it is worth the money, luckily you also can download free Floating Module CK pro paid on freejoomlapro.com without nulled Floating Module CK cracked anymore.
Notice: Some template frameworks are not compatible with this plugin because they don't use the standard Joomla! render processing for the modules. Tested with success with Template Creator CK, Astroid, and native templates.